Inkscape vs illustrator scientific figures
Inkscape vs illustrator scientific figures

inkscape vs illustrator scientific figures

I've used Inkscape for a number of production illustration tasks now Adobe, I'm sorry, but I just don't love you any more. The native SVG support is encouraging, and the import/export capabilities work beautifully for me. Every feature I actually *used* in Illustrator exists, and is easier to interact with, in Inkscape. Then Inkscape came along and made AI10 - and the Windows VM where it runs - obsolete. I tried to switch to Sodipodi earlier this decade and couldn't quite achieve lift, so I kept a Windows VM running on Ubuntu Linux in order to keep AI10 alive. I quit buying Illustrator for myself at AI10 because I just couldn't see the value of new upgrades, and as a matter of conscience, I refuse to personally purchase anything containing Macrovision's horrifying node-locked protection scheme.

inkscape vs illustrator scientific figures

(My work PC today is the illustration workstation Dad bought in 2003, which I inherited when he passed away in 2004) It, too, offers a user-friendly interface, and one used just a few times, will ensure a fantastic familiarity with it ongoing. I'd been an Illustrator user for years - since 2.0 for Windows! I design visual elements mainly for my company's software projects, and occasionally for friends who ask me to channel my Dad, who was a visual artist and taught me to emulate his style. Illustrator is also a very easy to use application.

Inkscape vs illustrator scientific figures